Support Our Work
The Ayrshire Coastal Path was originally set up at a cost of around £85,000 - which mainly came via grant funding for the capital costs of creating the path.
But once the Path was completed we were on our own, and since 2008 have had to find funding to cover all annual maintenance costs (usually around £3000 per annum) - and apply for small grants to cover any new work like building bridges and steps.
All our work is done by our Pathminders - a great volunteer group of 55-60 people. So labour is free! However tools, equipment and materials all cost money… Our maintenance funding tends to come from private personal donations, donations from walking groups, and from some walking businesses who use the Ayrshire Coastal Path for client walking holidays. We are also always on the lookout for sleepers and other material to recycle - with the motto - "What we get for Nothing - we'll use for Something!"
How you can help
Make a one-off or regular donation
Make a Donation (PayPal)Purchase one of our Official Ayrshire Coastal Path Guide Books. The Author of our Guide Book - Dr Jimmy Begg - donates all proceeds from the sale of this book towards the maintenance and improvement of the Ayrshire Coastal Path. And we depend very much on this income.
Purchase the GuidebookOrder a Completion Certificate - all proceeds are invested back into the trail.
Purchase the Completion CertificateRegister for Easyfundraising -then each time you buy from a participating retailer online, they donate asmall percentage to Ayrshire Coastal Path (doesn't cost you anything)
Register for EasyFundraisingThank-you to everyone who has donated!